Wine in South Africa

A brief bit of history

Soon after the Dutch seafarers landed in the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 the first vines were planted and wine was made. Fast forward a few hundred years and South Africa is now a reasonably important player on the international wine scene. Following the end of Apartheid in the early 1990s, the South African wine industry has been on an evolutionary fast-track.

Vineyard expansion, improved viticultural and vinification practices borrowed from the Old World, both international and domestic investment and a quality conscious focus have all helped to catapult the Rainbow nation into one of the New World's most dynamic emerging forces.

The wineries we represent here are amongst the most impressive and historic in the Cape, hinting at exciting times to come and reinforcing the vinous scope that this wonderful nation has to offer.

We believe that in some categories South African wines represent very good value and stand toe to toe with some of the best in the world. The longevity of some of the wines keep on surprising even the most sceptical of critics. The latter point is where we feel the real value lies.